Celebrating 60 Years of research with Synchrotron Radiation at DESY

DESY celebrates the pioneering achievements with its X-ray light sources with a festive colloquium on 26 August 2024! Around 300 former and current companions will celebrate 60 years of accelerated research at DESY.

On 26 August 2024 to the main auditorium (bldg. 5) at DESY Hamburg we celebrate 60 years of synchrotron light at DESY. We are excited that so many people, some of them from abroad, want to be part of our 60th anniversary celebrations. 

If you still have pictures from 60 years of synchrotron research or other memorabilia from your time at DESY, you can either send them by e-mail to sr60@desy.de or upload them to our cloud SR60@DESY.

We might include them in our event. There will also be a guest book on display, which we kindly ask you to contribute to.
Yours sincerely

Edgar Weckert and Robert Feidenhans‘l


26 August 2024 - Main auditorium (Bldg. 5) at DESY Hamburg

09:00 | Coffee & Get-together
10:00 | Welcome

Edgar Weckert & Robert Feidenhans´l: Welcome address

10:05 | Selected Topics
Jochen Schneider: The development of photon science at DESY
Francesco Sette:  The delivery of the ESRF EBS and Upgrade Program
Tetsuya Ishikawa: The international Scenery: Asia 
Spotlight on: Personal recollections & acknowledgements 

11:30 | Coffee Break
12:00 | Selected Topics

Laurent Chapon: The international Scenery II: US
Harald Reichert: On the way to PETRA IV
Spotlight on: Personal recollections & acknowledgements II

13:00 | Lunch in the DESY Canteen
For our external guests, there will be meal vouchers available. The participating DESYans and campus partners are kindly asked to pay for their own meal.

14:00 | Selected Topics
Massimo Altarelli: Early developments of FELs at DESY and SLAC
Poul Nissen: The biology endeavour
Sasa Bajt: On the way to the nm resolution
Rolf Heuer: SESAME: Science bridging Cultures and Nations

15:40 | Closing
Helmut Dosch:  Closing remark

Afterwards Wine and Cheese in the Foyer.



If you did not join our Alumni network DESY CONNECT yet, this is a good opportunity to do so.

More information on connect.desy.de.